Getting the Car Back

On July 18, I headed back to Santa Clara to finally get my car back. Which I was happy for it, but a bit nervous because the mechanic told me that the car would not idle when driving. But once you got on the road the car ran better than before. I was able to drive the car home, but it took a very long time and extremely nerve-racking. I tried some at home fixes for the idle problem but was unsuccessful. So on July 23, I took the to another shop to fix the idle problem, and they were able to.

Shout out to Davis for getting the San Jose Earthquakes question correct.

If you are still willing to help me on my Go Fund Me page to pay for the repairs for my car, The page is: , any little bit helps. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Roads were made for journeys not destinations — Confucius

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